Thursday, January 22, 2015

Just breathe!

I've come to realize that if you want one, there will ALWAYS be an excuse:
I'm tired
I'm on vacation
I'm busy
I've always
I've never
It's cold
It's hot
I'm away from my kids
I'm with my kids
I have no kids
I'm going to 'X' tomorrow
I'm going to 'X' next week, month, year...
List goes on and on and on of course. But they are not reasons. They are EXCUSES. Kill the excuses in your life. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it!

Do it TODAY! Be the change for yourself you want to see TODAY! Just because you have always, doesn't mean you must always! Value you YOU over anything or anyone else.

On every commercial flight they tell you to put your own mask on first so that you can be of help to others! You are no good if you are without oxygen. Translate that to whatever else you are without and go after it with the same desperation someone struggling to breathe would go after that dangling bag on a flight!

Each small step takes you down the path of the journey you are aching to live, you don't just decide and instantly arrive. The struggles that you may encounter on that path are worth it. SO worth it!
If you are already on a happy and fulfilling path and have your mask secured, I hope you'll reach out to those that want to improve their lives and no matter how small it seems, that you'll encourage them. That is part two of the flight advice. Once your mask is secure, help others, and this is important--who want to be helped--with theirs. Even someone who is stumbling down their path can help those who want to walk beside them. If you wait until you achieve perfection to'll never help. There is no perfection, just practicing and refining.

Do or do not, there is no try.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Shed those excuses! Stop telling yourself you can't...because you CAN! Now go and get that mask on. Don't suffocate another day in layers of excuses and bad habits.


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