Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Simple, basic, delish!

I have noticed something interesting when I talk to others about food ideas for meals, snacks or potlucks. 

There seems to be two groups of people going into kitchens. Those that rely heavily upon cookbooks and follow the instructions, ingredient list and steps as if it was the holy grail of all that is right and those that tend to play loose and fast with a concept and make it fully their own. 

I fall squarely into that second group. I actually feel terribly restricted by an actual recipe and find it as more of a guideline, a flavor profile idea an 'ah-ha' when I see a spice listed that I had not thought to use previously. But when I make something and share it with a recipe follower, they are not happy to hear me say I used some of this and a little of that and voila...finished product! 

My husband recently told me that one of his favorite things about me is that I can go into a kitchen and come out half an hour later with a great meal and seemingly no effort. And he's right, I don't typically see making things to eat as an effort. For so many years I equated food (and feeding) with love that I truly did build a strong and rich repertoire of ingredients, techniques, approaches and flavor profiles that I can draw from without any real thought. 

Last night I was craving seafood, crab specifically, but it literally makes my husband ill to watch me crack crab legs, so I chose something else when we went out to dinner. 

I knew, however, that craving was not going to just go away. So I came home and made some crab salad to enjoy away from him today. But before I made it, I thought about what it really was I craved. I could have simply defrosted some lump crab meat I had and eaten it, but I wanted that dill and garlic kick as well, it was an underlying craving to the crab. So into the bowl went both of those ingredients. I did not want it hot, I wanted it cold, so I added a bit of homemade mayonnaise (easy to make and you'll NEVER buy a jar of that 'white stuff' as we refer to it, again once you make your own!) and because I think everything is better with a hit of cheese, a bit of freshly shaved (not grated!) asiago cheese. I mixed it well and put it in the fridge to let all the flavors mingle and mix and I'll enjoy it today. 

My two favorite ways to eat any protein salad is on a slice of bread and butter pickle or a slice of tomato. I have really gotten away from bread, crackers and other carb intense foods as a mechanism for getting protein into me. Which is not to say I never enjoy those items, but I want to enjoy THEM, not just have them being a vehicle to put protein in my mouth. 

What is your favorite protein salad and on what do you eat it, or do you just have it by the spoonful...which is pretty good, too...I'd love to hear your favorite flavors and ideas for a simple and delicious protein salad!

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