Monday, September 22, 2014

Knowing when less is more

I had planned to run 11 miles with two ladies yesterday. Due to various schedule constraints, they could not meet until 2p. 

I normally do not run mid-day unless it is a very cool day. It was close to 90. 

I normally do not do more than a moderate run mid-day. I was doing my long run of the week. 

I normally drive a route before I run it. I went on this one blindly. 

We had a moderate hill in bright sun and by the time we hit the 2.87 mile mark, I was already feeling wiped out. Thankfully, so were the other ladies. I hate being the one that flakes out!  We decided to go 3.2, get some ice for our hydration bottles and then head back. I am here to tell you...we made a REALLY good decision in shortening our run. 

My heart rate was telling me my body was working harder than it normally does on a run. My need to wear a hat in this bright sun, even with my 100 SPF sun block, meant I was warmer than normal. 

Usually I beat myself up when I don't achieve my goals that I've carefully planned out. But yesterday I made the right choice in stopping early, we ended up with a hair under 7 miles all told due to a variance in the 'back' of our out and back route, and I'll do 11 miles solo tomorrow instead, so my long run will still be done this week. 

When I woke up this morning I realized that I had done the right thing, I wasn't chastising myself over the abbreviated run, if anything I was happier with myself for knowing when to say enough is enough and being able to be okay with that. I have a 15K this coming Sunday and that will be my long run for next week and it is, thankfully, in the cool morning hours. 

Less was more yesterday and while I can't abbreviate every run or I'll never keep up my ability to do half marathons (three left this year!) I was, and am, proud of myself for knowing when to cut something short and be okay with that. 

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